Team 4 welcomes you to our website!

Project Description

Team 4 is a small group in CEC 112 where we work on a variety of different projects, given to us by Professor Hartup. Current projects of ours include development on a miniature windmill and work in certain programming languages. The three of us all work together to accomplish the goals that are set in these projects.

Blade Material Investigation

For our second design journal, we were tasked with attempting to find the best materials to turn into blades for our small windmill. We tested out 3 seperate materials and placed our data into a few tables. The windmill we created also looks like this:

Here is our little windmill This photo is of said windmill currently in motion

Project Conclusions to Date

During Weeks 2 through 4, we were able to create the windmill, and then see how fast the blades would rotate depending on the angle they were configured to (15 degree angles on the blades were the most successful). Weeks 5 through 6 had the team investigate the difference between styrophone, balso wood and cardboard blades and see their efficiency in power output. Using cardboard materials was found to generate the most power.

The current contributors to our team are: